2024 BDHS Conference Scholarship

Opportunity for financial assistance 

To offset the cost of attendance, BDHSC will reimburse up to $250 in receipts associated with attending the conference. This opportunity is intended to provide monetary assistance to individuals in need of support and to increase the diversity and representation of our program and attendees. Special consideration is given to individuals presenting abstracts. Eligible circumstances include but are not limited to: underrepresented minorities; primary childcare giver; dependent caregiver; general financial hardship; other scenarios on a case by case basis. Funds are limited and the Conference Planning Committee will make awards at its sole discretion. Scholarships are processed as reimbursements after the conference. Eligible use of funds include registration, lodging, travel, childcare. Cut off to submit an application for support is January 10th, 2024, but early applications are strongly encouraged. Attendees will be notified of the outcome pending a review of applications by the Conference Planning Committee on a rolling basis. If receipts submitted for reimbursement do not align with description of need and use of funds submitted, the Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to rescind its offer of reimbursement support. For questions about this opportunity please contact Miranda Nixon (mc95@mailbox.sc.edu).

This opportunity is made possible by partial funding through the USC Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’s Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Grant fund.


Complete the below form to submit your application for a financial assistance scholarship. Scholarships are processed as reimbursements after the conference. Cut off to submit an application for reimbursement is January 10th but early applications are strongly encouraged. Outcome of applications will be shared roughly one week after time of submission. Contact Miranda Nixon (mc95@mailbox.sc.edu) with inquiries. 

    Get in Touch

    Address: 915 Greene Street, Suite 408, Columbia, SC
    Email: bdhsc@mailbox.sc.edu
    Phone: 703-777-8615; Fax: 803-777-6290

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