Abstract Submission Guidelines

In order for us to prepare well in advance we have identified the following key dates relating specifically to the call for abstracts and the review process

Abstract submission deadline : November 1, 2021 | Eastern Time

Submitting Your Abstract

1. You can use the submission form on this page (https://www.sc-bdhs-conference.org/abstract-2022) to submit abstracts for the conference.

2. Abstracts must be submitted in English.

3. Abstracts must not have been published or presented previously.

4. A rule of two first authored abstracts per delegate operates (delegates can be co-authors on multiple abstracts).

5. The word count of an abstract submission should remain below 500 words.

6. Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present it if accepted. Failure to present, if not justified, will jeopardize future acceptance of abstracts.

7. The presenter is responsible for all expenses associated with the submission and presentation of an abstract (e.g. registration etc.).

8. The deadline of the submission is on November 1, 2021. Notification emails about acceptance of abstracts will be sent out on November 15, 2021.


Content of the Abstracts

All the abstracts need to be responsive to the conference theme “Unlocking the Power of Big Data in Health – Developing an Interdisciplinary Response for Health Equity”.

Two types of abstracts are possible:

  1. Research based abstracts that describe empirical studies or methodological studies. The research-based abstracts need to focus on data or data analytics in the following areas:
    • Electronic Health Records
    • Social Media data
    • Genomic data
    • Geospatial data
    • AI for Sensing and Diagnosis
    • COVID-19
  2. Program based abstracts that describe problems or lessons learned from program development or implementation or policy issues related to Big Data analytics and their application in health science research in the following areas:
    • Infrastructural and capacity development
    • Professional development
    • Community/industry engagement
    • Academic training
    • Methodological advances.
Format of the Abstract

Structured abstracts are required for all submissions.

Option 1: Research based abstracts:

  • Study Objectives (hypothesis or a description of the problem)
  • Method (Key descriptions of study design, data sources and data analytics)
  • Results (specific results in a summarized form)
  • Discussion (brief comments, conclusions and implications)

Option 2: Program based abstracts:

  • Issues:(A short statement of the issue or issues that the abstract addresses)
  • Project (a brief description of the project, program, experience, service or study and its results and findings)
  • Lessons learned (a summary of the lessons learned and their implications.)

Option 3: Symposia, workshops and satellites:
Proposals for this option can be submitted to the conference organizers.

Abstract Evaluation and Selection

All abstracts will be reviewed and evaluated by the Scientific Committee that consists of leading scholars and faculty in the content areas. If necessary, external reviewers will be solicited at the discretion of the Scientific Committee and the conference organizers. The reviewers will also make recommendation regarding the option of “Plenary session ”, “Breakout session” or “Poster presentation”.

Plenary and Breakout Session Presentations
  1. The submitting author is designated as the presenting author. If the submitting author cannot attend the conference for some reason, the presenter must be an author of the abstract.
  2. If an author’s name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.
  3. If you are referencing work previously published by another author, please be sure to include a complete citation at the bottom of the appropriate slide.

Submit an Abstract

    If errors occur during the submission, you can also send your abstract along with information of its research area and preferred presentation format to:


    We will contact you as soon as the receipt of your submission.


    For questions regarding abstract submission and review, please contact the Chair of the Conference Program Committee:

    Jiajia Zhang, Ph.D.
    Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
    University of South Carolina

    Discovery 453, 915 Greene Street, Columbia, SC 29208, USA
    Email: jzhang@mailbox.sc.edu