UofSC National Big Data Health Science Conference
Student Big Data Case Competition 2022
The 3nd Annual Big Data Health Science Case Competition will be held virtually between February 4 – 6, 2022 before the University of South Carolina’s National Big Data Health Science Conference, scheduled for February 11 – 12, 2022. Last year’s winner was Georgia Institute of Technology, so it is time for others to compete to dethrone them. The Big Data Case Competition is intended to provide enthusiastic teams of graduate and senior undergraduate students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to the analysis of big datasets in healthcare. This year’s challenge will focus on solving the inappropriate use of healthcare using data science. Each participating team will analyze the case and datasets. During this period, the teams must identify the most prominent issues associated with ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) and develop a strategy to address key issues to help healthcare organizations achieve their goals of reducing inappropriate care utilization. Team members will work together to present their methods, analyses, and results at the Big Data Health Science Center Case Competition virtually. A panel of industry and academic experts will judge the presentations based on each team’s use of full analytics tools/processes, from framing the problem to data use, model building, innovation and communicating the solutions to decision-makers.
Messages from our last-year winners
Competition Format & Case Analysis
- The competition will be conducted only in English.
- Students will receive competition rules, the data sources, team assignments after virtual polling and receive a power point presentation template on the first day of the case competition on February 4th, 2022 afternoon Eastern Standard Time.
- Each team will be given 24 hours to devise a solution for the case (February 5th [1st round] and 6th, 2021 [semifinals, and finals], to submit a Power Point presentation, and an executive summary. The time spent analyzing the case will be very intense and focused.
- Teams are expected to produce original work.
- Teams may not consult with non-team members during preparation of the case analysis or any time during of competition. This includes anyone outside of the team, faculty, advisors, staff, ambassadors, and fellow students.
- To further safeguard the integrity of the competition, students may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
- Solutions from the top three “willing” winning teams will be packaged for conference abstract submissions and eventual publication in reputable academic journals.
Team Composition
- Participants must form a team of three members with an alternate at-large member.
- Each team will be comprised of currently enrolled undergraduate and/or graduate students from any accredited university or institution of higher learning in the U.S.
PowerPoint Presentation
- Teams must submit a solution proposal of up to 12 Power Point slides (including cover and index) and teams are allowed no more than 4 additional slides of appendices.
- Teams must also submit an executive summary. The written executive summary must highlight the key points/approach of the team’s solution for the case study in a two-page narrative format. All summaries will be judged and scored in advance of the presentation by a panel of judges.
- The written executive summary should not exceed two pages.
- The summary must use Times New Roman 12-point font and must be single-spaced.
- Teams will need to copy both the PowerPoint file and Executive Summary and upload it onto the portals provided for the presentation.

Tentative Virtual Oral Presentation Rules

- Each team will use PowerPoint slides to give live oral presentation on the day of the competition (January 30 -31, 2021). The presentations may not be longer than 15 minutes.
- A pre-recorded copy of the presentation must be made available as a back-up in case technology fails during the live session.
- Additional 15 minutes will be allotted for Q&A. If a team finishes its presentation early, it will proceed with its 15-minute question-and-answer session.
- A panel of judges will ask questions they deem appropriate and judge the presentation.
- Teams can introduce themselves to the judges during the 5-minute setup period.
- All team members are expected to offer an equal share of the presentation.
- Dress is business professional.
- Teams will not be allowed to observe other team presentations during the preliminary rounds. Once eliminated, teams can observe all subsequent presentations.
- Each team presentation will be judged by a panel of three to seven judges. These judges will be composed of industry and academic representatives.
- A confusion matrix or similar measure for model performance will be used to score each team’s final product.
- First Prize $4,000
- Second Prize $3,000
- Third Prize $2,000
- Non-ranking Finalists: Prize or Cash Awards
Award money will be split equally among winning team members. Winning teams will be announced and formally presented during the opening session on Friday Feb 11, 2022 during the virtual National Big Data Health Science Conference SC.