BDHSC would like to invite you to be part of our conference as a sponsor. We sincerely welcome sponsors from industry, companies, or academia. We are providing numerous sponsorship levels with options ranging from $1,000 to $10,000+. We are looking forward to partnering with you to make the BDHSC Big Data Health Science conference 2021 a success!
Sponsorship Levels (Industry/Academic)
We provide numerous sponsorship level options for our partners from industry and academia, respectively.
Industry: $50,000+ | Academia: $10,000+
- 8 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during event
- Full page ad in event program
- Mention on email blast
- Recognition in all press releases
- Exclusive logo placement on social media banners
- Verbal recognition at event
- The opportunity to address the audience during the formal portion of the event
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
Industry: $37,500+ | Academia: $7,500+
- 8 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during the event
- Half page ad in event program
- Mention on email blast
- Recognition in all press releases
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
Industry: $25,000+ | Academia: $5,000+
- 6 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during the event
- One third page ad in event program
- Mention on email blasts
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
Industry: $17,500+ | Academia: $3,500+
- 4 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during the event
- One fourth page ad in event program
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
Industry: $10,000+ | Academia: $2,000+
- 2 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
Industry: $5,000+ | Academia: $1,000+
- 2 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link for 6 months
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
ACHE Dinner Table sponsor
- 8 tickets and reserved seating at event
Vendor table
$60 per table per day
- Standard table with linen & two chairs
Case Competition sponsorship
Data-providing sponsor | No-data sponsor
- We provide two types of sponsorship options for supporting our Case Competition.
For more information, please visit our previous Case Competition webpage
Disclaimer: the sponsors only provide funds to support the conference and play no role and have no input into the content of the presentations at this conference
For questions regarding sponsorship, please contact us at BDHSC@mailbox.sc.edu.