BDHSC would like to invite you to be part of our conference as a sponsor. We welcome sponsors from both industry and academia. We look forward to partnering with you to make the upcoming National Big Data Health Science Conference a success!
Sponsorship Levels
We provide numerous sponsorship-level options for our partners from industry and academia. Please see below our full official sponsorship prospectus.
- 8 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during event
- Full page ad in conference materials
- Recognition in all emails to conference attendees
- Virtual sponsor booth in the conference app, Whova
- Recognition in all press releases
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
- Verbal recognition and opportunity to attend the Underrepresented Minorities in Data Science Applied to Health Luncheon
- Exclusive logo placement on social media banners
- Verbal recognition at event
- The opportunity to address the audience during the formal portion of the event
- 6 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during the event
- Half page ad in conference materials
- Recognition in all emails to conference attendees
- Virtual sponsor booth in the conference app, Whova
- Recognition in all press releases
- Opportunity to provide promotional materials in conference documents
- Verbal recognition and opportunity to attend the Underrepresented Minorities in Data Science Applied to Health Luncheon
- 4 regular conference registrations
- Logo recognition on website with link
- Social media blast including logo and company page
- Logo displayed during the event
- One fourth page ad in conference materials
- Recognition in all emails to conference attendees
- Virtual sponsor booth in the conference app, Whova
Vendor + Registration Package
- Standard table with linen & chair for both days of conference plus one conference registration
- Virtual sponsor booth in the conference app, Whova
Virtual Sponsor Booth
- Virtual sponsor booth in the conference app, Whova
For questions regarding sponsorship, please contact ccarlisle@sc.edu